Thursday, April 24, 2014


Microsoft keeps trying to correct its failure with Windows 8. The company released Windows 8.1 and we did not see much of improvement to please its Windows 7 user that still refused to throw themselves to the new OS, myself included. As I commented in previous posts, users were begging for the return of the classic Start Menu. Just recently Microsoft released a major update to Windows 8.1. They do offer faster searches, but our hoped Classic Start Menu did not come back as we expected. What we got in exchange was an alternate menu. The links to the programs are not organized as they were in the Classic menu, but they gives the home work that we can organize them our selves very thoughtful of them right. From my part since I am so use to the Classic Menu I use a third party application Classic Shell that organized all my applications in the Windows 7 style.   Well not everything is bad news, a power button was added to the tile screen, because in the first releases to shutdown the system was a real hustle to look for the button, also the desktop has a shutdown option on the Start button. The other benefit we got is that for those lovers of the desktop environment, we get the option to make the desktop as the default start.
There is still a long way to go to match the success of Windows 7 and manufacturers are pushing Microsoft to lower prices since they are losing money with the new OS. There are already rumors of Windows 9 to try to match Steve Jobs legacy of having A single OS for several devices.
Lets wait and for now all we can do is make suggestions to see if the gurus at Microsoft finally listen, because in the past they always act at their will, but they were lucky to get fine products like Windows XP and Windows 7.

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